Business Authority


Entrepreneurs 50+ – Welcome to the first completely comprehensive business eCampus accelerator / incubator. A digital designed for start-ups, seasoned growth-focused businesses, and succession.

We know what Founders and Entrepreneurs 50+ are up against. Our goal is to help you get unstuck and achieve success on your terms. We’ll help you get your business humming in 90 days or less. Join Now!

Explore Business Authority

Community-Powered Support for Entrepreneurs 50+

Welcome to Business Authority, a collaborative community helping founders and entrepreneurs 50+ launch and grow their businesses. We offer mentoring, skill-building courses, mastermind groups, networking, and expertise in funding, loans, legal, accounting, tech skills and everything needed to grow your company. Get video, podcast and article libraries.

Join Business Authority

Entrepreneurship is lonely at times. Join a transformative business community, helping authentic entrepreneurs bring visions to life in a supportive incubator environment and a culture of mutual success building. You’ll receive our newsletter and invitations to Business Authority Cafés.

Ready to Bust Myths?

We’re excited to help shatter one of the most pervasive business myths: that successful entrepreneurs are overwhelmingly 20-something wunderkinds, like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg. If you’ve been dissuaded from starting your own venture by the age of those savants— or that they’re all men—we’ve got good news for you.